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Grey Sofa


Marriage intensives are a fantastic way to help a couple get a jump start on overcoming their marriage difficulties and creating a marriage that lasts a lifetime. Intensives are particularly beneficial for couples who are in crisis. Some couples also find it easier to commit to a shorter period of time instead of stretching their marriage work out over many months. We offer one or two day marriage intensives, and they can be done virtually or in-person.

Pre-Intensive Meeting

Individual meetings to prepare each spouse for the intensive process, including establishing goals for each spouse.

Individual Sessions

Each spouse gets one and a half hours of individual marriage assessment, education and coaching. 

Take-Home Assignments

Each spouse is provided written homework assignments covering issues related to marital health. The assignments provide helpful reminders for couples as well as opportunities to continue the marriage work after the intensive is completed. 

Comprehensive Assessment

Administration, scoring, and interpretation of three separate marriage assessments covering 14 different aspects of marital health.

Couple Sessions

The couple together participate in 5-10 hours of marriage assessment, education, and coaching depending upon duration of the intensive covering 14 areas of marital health.

Follow-Up Sessions

Couples are provided with two additional one-hour sessions to be completed within 120 days of the marriage intensive.

What Couples Say

"Coming out of the intensive, we had more hope and were better prepared to face the challenges of rebuilding our marriage. We decided that this type of intensive is something we need to do every three to five years."


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