Dr. Tate Cockrell has a passion for leading conferences, workshops, retreats, and revivals focused on a variety of issues. He specializes in issues related to marriage and family. His speaking and teaching schedule has landed him in 27 states, 7 countries. 8 graduate institutions, and over 50 associations impacting hundreds of local churches. Below is a list of sample conference and sermon titles that he has delivered over the last 20 years. His teaching is biblical, practical, and inspirational. You'll laugh. You might cry. You'll certainly leave having learned something; and, Dr. Tate doesn't consider it a success unless you've had at least one "AHA!!" moment during the event.

"7 Pillars of a Biblical Marriage"
“Marriage, Personality Differences, and the Gospel”
"Keys to Effective Communication"
"Christ Centered Conflict Resolution"
"Pursuing Intimacy in Your Marriage"
"The Emotionally Marriage"
"Growing Across the Marriage LifeCycle"
"Healthy Marriage - Healthy Parenting"
“Discipling Your Family”
“De-Stressing the School Year”
“The Fine Art of Forgiveness”
“Making the Most of the Bad Times in Marriage”
“The Heart of a Pastor”
“Caring Well for Your Congregation”
“Stress and Ministry Effectiveness”
“Prioritizing Your Family and Ministry”
“Understanding Your Call to Ministry”
“Relationships 101: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly”
“Assessing Your Authenticity in Relationships”
"Biblical Foundations of Christian Parenting"
“Effective Discipline Strategies for Parents”
“The Marriage Starter Kit for Couples”
“Spirituality in Your Marriage”
“Nuts and Bolts of Men’s Ministry”
“Overcoming Grief: A New Journey"
“Conquering Aches, Abuses, and Addictions”
“Overcoming Kid-centric Family Dynamics”
“Self Esteem: The Myth that is Destroying Your Kid
“Overcoming the Holiday Blues”
"Parental Transitions from Childhood to the Teen Years"
“Connecting with the Heart of Your Teen”
"Navigating Pastoral Burnout and Compassion Fatigue"
“Adolescence and the Teen Brain”